The Global Missions Health Conference is only a couple months away. This annual conference is a tradition for Blessings International, and one that we look forward to every year.Here's what we're looking forward to again this year:

Bridging the gap between a person's dream and where they are

"God is calling me to serve abroad after I graduate."

"I want to start a clinic."

"We're wanting to serve more communities."

These are all statements we hear from attendees. We love hearing the dream God has put in their hearts and then helping show them how we can come alongside, essentially filling one more piece of the puzzle. Often, they'll get excited or show relief, and then tell us that so many pieces had already come together in just a couple days of the conference, often with chance conversations and providential meetings.

Forming new connections, reconnecting with others

Egbe Clinic exhibiting at GMHC 2021

Every year, we're privileged to meet new people who are advancing global health. It's truly inspiring to see many organizations and individuals come together, form partnerships, and go forth to make an impact. Last year, we met Robert Read with Egbe Hospital, and we were able to help supply medicines for the hospital in Nigeria.

But we weren't Egbe Hospital's only connection. “We met a ministry that helped us procure an expensive piece of medical equipment for a fraction of the cost,” Robert told us. “And they also support the maintenance of the equipment. This [connection] would have been unlikely were it not for the GMHC.”

It just goes to show, it's not what you know, it's where you go.

Hearing a wide array of speakers

Barry Ewy teaching at GMHC 2019

According to GMHC's website, there is a line-up of approximately eighty speakers at 2022's conference. From plenary sessions to breakout sessions, there is no shortage of wisdom to soak up.

Hear recordings here of previous sessions Blessings International has hosted in past years. 

Meeting people from all around the world

There's a reason why it's called the GLOBAL Missions Health Conference. Not only are attendees interested in promoting health and the gospel in every corner of the world, but people also come from all over the world to attend. In many cases, it's how we've met some of our partners face-to-face for the first time--even after working together for years. 

Seeking God together

Passion for Jesus. A vision for global health. A heart for missions. How often do you join a gathering of people who have all three of those things in common?

Worship time at GMHC is like a small glimpse of what it will be like when God's children from every nation and  generation are joined together in heaven to praise Him. 

If you’re as excited about these things as we are, we encourage you to register for GMHC 2022. We look forward to seeing you in Louisville, Kentucky, November 10-12! 

Blessings International is a sponsor of Global Missions Health Conference.
