All medicines and vitamins packaged through our medication repackaging service (MRS) now have extended beyond-use dates! Packets now have an eighteen-month span of usage, compared to the previous twelve-month span.
An extra three months of medication for a person with diabetes or hypertension, for example, is significant, and so we’re excited for this advancement. We are steadily moving forward to increase the beyond-use dates on this service, and we are excited for this next milestone.
MRS is a service we offer which packages individual packets of vitamins, diabetes medicine, high blood pressure medicine, and analgesics. Labeling is available in twenty-two languages, and packets can come in quantities of thirty, sixty, or ninety tablets. The beyond-use date is determined from the time of packaging.To place an MRS order, download the Medication Repackaging Service order form at the International Catalog & Forms page.