Name: James Bridges
When you began working at Blessings: November 2023
Role: Communications Associate
If you had to compare yourself to a book/movie/TV character, who would you be, and why?
Barry used the same example a few months ago, but I think that there are so many eternal human elements present in the character of George Bailey from It’s A Wonderful Life that make him easy to relate to. When I feel down or alone, it does not take long to realize how many people are indeed rooting for me.
In your own words, describe what you do and the part you play at Blessings:
As the Comms Associate, I lead the design of our social media multimedia content, as well as graphic design, ads, videos & promos.
What is your favorite aspect of your job?
Being able to turn very interesting thoughts into something tangible for others to enjoy!

What’s something that others may not know about you at first glance?
I traveled as a member of a gospel quartet for several years!
Where have you served in a missional capacity?
While I have never been on a traditional mission trip, I have had the opportunity to lead worship and prayer for several homeless and city outreaches, with the opportunity to minister through serving food and other forms of benevolence.
Where/How would you like to serve in the future?
If I ever get a chance in the future, I would love the opportunity to work with college students again.
What was your last staff devotional about?

Is there a recent accomplishment you’re proud of?
Becoming a father! Earlier this month, my wife Brinkley and I welcomed our precious daughter Blythe to the world on November 8. She is the best little baby we could have asked for and we are loving getting to know her!
What is your best memory here at Blessings?
I was hired right before the holidays. While the higher number of employee outings can be intimidating for some, I am reminded of the kindness, warmth, and connection that was shown to a guy who had just moved to Oklahoma and really didn’t know anyone. I won’t forget it.