Rich in his work habitat.

Name: Rich Faust      

When you began working at Blessings: December 4, 2023

Role: Vice President & Chief Financial Officer

If you had to compare yourself to a book/movie/TV character, who would you be, and why?

Like Hawkeye in the TV series M*A*S*H was not your typical surgeon, I do not think I am a typical Chief Financial officer.  I like to have fun at work, although I am not the practical joker that Hawkeye was.

In your own words, describe what you do and the part you play at Blessings:

I work with the staff to do all things accounting (invoicing, paying bills, banking, monthly financial reporting, budgets, audits, tax returns, etc.) We also communicate with our donors, write grants, and are developing our Legacy Giving program. In addition, we keep up with our technology and cyber security.

Rich on a mission in Cambodia (see poster.)

What’s something about you that would surprise us?

I was a helicopter mechanic when I served in the US Army.

What is your favorite aspect of your job?

Spreadsheets. Spreadsheets, spreadsheets, but seriously, I like to solve problems and find ways to make our functions more efficient and accurate.

Where have you served in a missional capacity?

I have served in Tulsa with the Believer’s Church youth group doing service projects, prayer walks, and evangelism.  I have served in Argentine, Costa Rica, California, Mexico (3x), Puerto Rico, New York (2x), Philadelphia, Connecticut, Cambodia, and Thailand with the evangelistic drama team of One to the Other Ministries.

Where/How would you like to serve in the future?

I would like to continue serving with One to the Other Ministries.  Maybe even helping with their medical mission teams.

What was your last staff devotional about?

Trusting in God.

Is there a recent accomplishment you’re proud of?

I recently completed a time of mentoring a group of high school boys from when they were freshmen until they graduated.

What is your best memory here at Blessings?  

Christmas 2023, where it seemed as though my job was to open every gift, and it was everyone else’s job to steal those gifts I had opened.
