If you’re wanting to invest in a medical conference this year, here are some recommendations for global health conferences.

Mobilizing Medical Missions (M3) Conference – February 16-17, 2024

Houston, Texas | Register Here

Plan ahead for 2024, because this conference happens early in the year! M3’s mission is that you “connect with others, be inspired, and find your mission.” Hosted by Dr. Paul Osteen, M3 is a high-energy gathering that brings together hundreds of global-minded health professionals every year.

INMED Humanitarian Health Conference – May 30-31, 2024

Kansas City, MO | Register Here

INMED engages people who are interested in serving the world’s most marginalized people. We appreciate the enthusiasm of the attendees and speakers at INMED conferences, because they are actively seeking ways to—as their slogan says—equip, connect, and go.

OneAccord – October 22-24, 2024

Ridgecrest, NC | Register Here

The Accord Network Conference brings together global health organizations to serve the global poor with excellence.

TECH Conference - November 6, 2024

Louisville, KY | More Info

TECH, which stands for Technical Exchange for Christian Healthcare, offers a one-day conference to provide networking opportunities, seminars, and to learn more about TECH members. This conference occurs immediately before the Global Missions Health Conference (see below) and is in the same venue, making it a convenient way to do more a small amount of time.

Global Missions Health Conference – November 7-9, 2024

Louisville, KY | Register Here

GMHC attendees have the opportunity to explore six paths of medical missions: short-term missions, long-term missions, domestic missions, marketplace worker, disaster relief, and medical education. Through a variety of breakout sessions, plenary speakers, and exhibits, GMHC attendees receive an abundance of information that is beneficial not only for their medical service, but also for their hearts and minds.
