God is working in many ways!
It is an incredible blessing to get to share the stories and to demonstrate how the impact we all make together touches lives in meaningful ways. Everything God is doing throughout the world through the ministry of medicine cannot be summed up in one simplistic theme. Rather, He is weaving together His story of love through the work of those who are willing to participate.
He's truly working on individual hearts as much just as He’s growing ministries and healing lives. There are salvations happening, just as there are clinics being built. There are illnesses healed just as there are communities blessed by teams ministering for the first time.
As you read over a few of the stories we’ve compiled, we hope you see one overarching message: when Christ’s people care, Christ’s love shines brightly.
Hurricane Helene relief – Fountain of Life Church

When Hurricane Helene raged through the southeastern U.S. states in September, it destroyed in-land areas that are seldom, if ever, touched by hurricanes. Fountain of Life Church, based in eastern North Carolina, wanted to help fellow North Carolinians who were in need.
Their medical team wanted to gather supplies and to help as soon as possible. “We had no time to fundraise,” FLC’s Michelle McGrath said. “The Blessings’ order came out of my own finances.”
Thanks to emergency disaster relief donors, FLC’s order received a discount automatically. “What incredible grace to learn that, thanks to generous donors, we could get this shipment at a discount! Not only that, but the shipment arrived in an amazingly short time.”
What they found when they arrived in western North Carolina was upsetting. Michelle said, “The devastation in familiar areas—places I spent time, where I went to college—was all heartbreaking.”
By teaming up with local first responders, Michelle and her team were able to expand their impact and supplies. FLC found that they were able to help not only locals but also rescue workers, all who were experiencing skin injuries, cellulitis, and pain. "The teamwork of people in the NC mountains is like nothing I've seen before."
And while they worked, they also prayed. “Being able to pray for and with people during this time was an honor.”

To Uganda with Love | CERT International

Recently, a partner—who has routinely received medicine from Blessings International for twenty years!— branched into a new country. Christian Emergency Relief Teams (CERT) International took a team to northern Uganda. In some of the districts they visited, they were the first-ever free medical clinic offered in the area!
“The need, welcome, and gratitude of the people was extremely humbling,” team leader Kathleen Holden said. In five days, the team of seven gave out 2,375 prescriptions, saw over 1,000 patients, and shared the Gospel with many.
Trips are planned out months—sometimes years—in advance, depending on the group, but God’s timing is always perfect. Often, a team is in the right place at the right time and locals are able to bring their family member to clinics they didn’t need only a short time before.
For example, on the first day of CERT’s clinics, the team saw a little boy who had fallen into an open-air fire used for cooking. He had second- and third-degree burns on his face and arms. The team was able to clean and dress the wounds as well as give the boy’s mom burn cream and liquid pain reliever for the boy’s recovery.
Then, on the last day of clinics, a young girl who was suffering from malaria and pneumonia, was brought in. “She was too weak to walk and lay limp in her mother’s arms,” said Kathleen. Thanks to the many pharmaceuticals CERT teams travel with, one of the team members was able to supply the mother with lifesaving antibiotics, antimalarials, and instructions to ensure the child’s recovery.
Most significantly, the clinics not only helped Ugandan people physically but also spiritually. “Many people received Christ as their Lord and Savior,” said Kathleen, “experiencing true deliverance in Him and healings in their body.”

Marta’s Story | Healing Nations – Guatemala

One of the clinics being built right now is Healing Nation’s building in Guatemala. Not only did God provide land by sending people along the team’s path, but the land was exactly within their budget.
This new clinic, which will open in 2025, will be a site where hurting people become patients, and where patients become volunteers, and where everyone comes closer to God, like Marta.
“We had a patient [named Marta] that joined our morning huddle,” Jenni Duncan, Healing Nations’ medical missions director, said. “She talked about how much her life was changed when our team had given her Metformin and diabetes education with regular follow up for her chronic diabetes.”
Marta’s life and her family were forever changed because, through those visits, she was introduced to Jesus.
“Now, she wants to be part of changing other people’s life with her story!”
Marta is now a volunteer at Healing Nation’s outreaches. She truly believes Jesus used her diabetes to allow her to know Him. She uses her life and testimony to show others what Jesus can do not only spiritually but physically too.
Jenni sums it up it so well: “Our care for her translated to His care and provision for her.”

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” – Matthew 25:40 NIV
All of the stories we’ve shared comes from teams who have received gifts in kind, thanks to donors like you. Thank you for allowing us to bless medical teams with additional pharmaceuticals, vitamins, and medical supplies. Because of your intentional care, Christ’s love is shining all over the world.
If you are looking ahead and considering an end-of-year donation, we have been blessed by a donor who is offering match for $10,000. No matter which fund you contribute to, the first $10,000 in donations received will be matched, allowing us to reach an estimated 33,800 lives in the new year.

Right now, any gift to any fund will be matched.
An anonymous donor is offering a match on the first $10,000—no matter how donations are dedicated.
• $50 (before match) can give 5 pregnant women and their unborn babies over 6 months of prenatal vitamins. (Double that to 10 women and their babies after your gift is matched!)
• $100 (before match) can provide medical aid to 170 victims of international and domestic disasters. (Double that to 340 people after your gift is matched!)
• $500 (before match) can help an estimated 840 people all around the world with essential medicines, vitamins, and supplies. (Double that to 1,680 people after your gift is matched!)